Fonts included with each version of Windows

Last updated: 2008/05/18

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These are the lists of the default fonts included with each version of Windows (for western versions, some far east versions could include more fonts specific for each country). You can use them as reference when you need to "clean up" your Fonts folder.

If you are looking for a set fonts that you can include safely in you web pages see the list of common fonts to all versions of Windows & Mac equivalents.

Note: Here are listed only TrueType & OpenType fonts, but take into account that there are some bitmap fonts bundled with Windows.

Windows Vista Fonts

Core Fonts

Core UI Fonts

ClearType Collection Fonts

Other Western Fonts

East Asian Fonts

Arabic Fonts

Hebrew Fonts

Thai Fonts

Indic Fonts

Other Fonts

The Windows Vista font list was obtained from the Windows Vista fonts entry of the Michael Kaplan blog.

Windows XP Fonts
Font name Font file(s)
Agatha agatha.ttf
Arial arial.ttf, arialdb.ttf, ariali.ttf, arialbi.ttf
Arial Black ariblk.ttf
Comic Sans MS comic.ttf, comicbd.ttf
Courier New cour.ttf, courb.ttf, couri.ttf, courbi.ttf
Estrangelo Edessa estre.ttf
Franklin Gothic Medium framd.ttf, framdit.ttf
Gautami gautami.ttf
Georgia georgia.ttf, georgiab.ttf, georgiai.ttf, georgiaz.ttf
Impact impact.ttf
Latha latha.ttf
Lucida Console lucon.ttf
Lucida Sans Unicode l_10646.ttf
Mangal mangal.ttf
Marlett marlett.ttf
Microsoft Sans Serif micross.ttf
MV Boli mvboli.ttf
Palatino Linotype pala.ttf, palab.ttf, palai.ttf, palabi.ttf
Raavi raavi.ttf
Shruti shruti.ttf
Sylfaen sylfaen.ttf
Symbol Symbol.ttf
Tahoma tahoma.ttf, tahomabd.ttf
Times New Roman times.ttf, timesb.ttf, timesi.ttf, timesbi.ttf
Trebuchet MS Trebuc.ttf, Trebucbd.ttf, Trebucit.ttf, Trebucbi.ttf
Tunga tunga.ttf
Verdana verdana.ttf, verdanab.ttf, verdanai.ttf, verdanaz.ttf
Webdings webdings.ttf
Wingdings wingding.ttf
Windows 2000 Fonts
Font name Font file(s)
Arial arial.ttf, arialdb.ttf, ariali.ttf, arialbi.ttf
Arial Black ariblk.ttf
Comic Sans MS comic.ttf, comicbd.ttf
Courier New cour.ttf, courb.ttf, couri.ttf, courbi.ttf
Georgia georgia.ttf, georgiab.ttf, georgiai.ttf, georgiaz.ttf
Impact impact.ttf
Lucida Console lucon.ttf
Lucida Sans Unicode l_10646.ttf
Marlett marlett.ttf
Microsoft Sans Serif micross.ttf
Palatino pala.ttf, palab.ttf, palai.ttf, palabi.ttf
Symbol Symbol.ttf
Tahoma tahoma.ttf, tahomabd.ttf
Times New Roman times.ttf, timesb.ttf, timesi.ttf, timesbi.ttf
Trebuchet MS Trebuc.ttf, Trebucbd.ttf, Trebucit.ttf, Trebucbi.ttf
Verdana verdana.ttf, verdanab.ttf, verdanai.ttf, verdanaz.ttf
Webdings webdings.ttf
Wingdings wingding.ttf
Windows 98 Fonts
Font name Font file(s)
Abadi MT Condensed Light abalc.ttf
Arial arial.ttf, arialdb.ttf, ariali.ttf, arialbi.ttf
Arial Black ariblk.ttf
Book Antiqua bkant.ttf, antquab.ttf, antquai.ttf, antquabi.ttf
Calisto MT calist.ttf
Century Gothic gothic.ttf, gothicb.ttf, gothici.ttf, gothicbi.ttf
Comic Sans MS comic.ttf, comicbd.ttf
Copperplate Gothic Bold coprgtb.ttf
Copperplate Gothic Light coprgtl.ttf
Courier New cour.ttf, courb.ttf, couri.ttf, courbi.ttf
Georgia1 georgia.ttf, georgiab.ttf, georgiai.ttf, georgiaz.ttf
Impact impact.ttf
Lucida Console lucon.ttf
Lucida Handwriting lhandw.ttf
Lucida Sans lsansi.ttf
Lucida Sans Unicode lsansuni.ttf
Marlett marlett.ttf
Matisse ITC matisse_.ttf
News Gothic MT nwgthc.ttf, nwgthcb.ttf, nwgthci.ttf
OCR A Extended ocraext.ttf
Symbol Symbol.ttf
Tahoma tahoma.ttf, tahomabd.ttf
Tempus Sans ITC tempsitc.ttf
Times New Roman times.ttf, timesb.ttf, timesi.ttf, timesbi.ttf
Trebuchet MS1 Trebuc.ttf, Trebucbd.ttf, Trebucit.ttf, Trebucbi.ttf
Verdana verdana.ttf, verdanab.ttf, verdanai.ttf, verdanaz.ttf
Webdings webdings.ttf
Westminster westm.ttf
Wingdings wingding.ttf

1 Georgia and Trebuchet MS are included in the Internet Explorer font pack (and they are bundled with other MS applications), so they are quite common in Windows 98 systems.

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